Crowd of passengers waiting or rushing for train

Experience > Our practices

Our practices

We are a full-service firm, with dedicated teams who know each area of the law inside-out. If your case is more complex, we will work together as an agile team so that you get the best and most rounded advice on all aspects of your situation.
Illustration of Idris and Sabrina Elba

Defining moments

Exploring stories of success with the Financial Times

Defining moments see leading founders and CEOs share the events and influences that shaped their careers and turned them into leaders.

Defining moments
Couple looking forward on a boat

Where next? Living and working around the world

Helping successful people and their families live and work around the world.

Freely choosing where in the world to live and work is one of the greatest benefits of modern day life. While the motivations behind relocating will differ greatly, there will always be legal and practical hurdles to surmount.

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