'Withers' and 'Withersworldwide' are the names under which Withers LLP, Withers Bergman LLP and their affiliated partnerships, offices, undertakings, affiliates, including Withers BVI, Withers 衛達仕, Studio Legale Associato con Withers LLP, Withers KhattarWong LLP, Withers Bengoshi Houjin and Withers Gaikokuhou Jimu Bengoshi Houjin (each of which is its own legal entity), are authorised to provide legal or other client services.
References to ‘Withers’, ‘Withersworldwide’, ‘the firm’, ‘we’ or ‘us’ are to one or more of those partnerships, offices, affiliate, alliances and undertakings, as appropriate. Any reference to a ‘partner’ means a partner, member, consultant, or employee with equivalent standing and qualifications in at least one Withers entity. All Withers partners are members of Withersworldwide LLP which is the governing entity of Withers but which does not provide legal or other client services.
Withers KhattarWong LLP is a Singapore law practice with Registration No. T12LL0001E with Singapore qualified lawyers and foreign registered lawyers. Only Singapore law qualified lawyers of Withers KhattarWong LLP are allowed to provide Singapore law advice and represent clients in the Singapore courts under the Legal Profession Act. We are regulated by the Law Society of Singapore and the Legal Services Regulatory Authority.
Withers Bengoshi Houjin is organised as a local partnership, under the Japanese Civil Code, whose partners are only Japanese qualified lawyers (bengoshi) and non-Japanese lawyers (attorneys-at-law admitted in Hawaii and New York) who are registered foreign lawyers in Japan (gaikokuho jimu bengoshi).
For more information on how we are regulated, see our country-specific notices.