St. Paul's Cathedral in London at sunset

Price and service information

Price and service information

The information on this page applies only to certain services provided by Withers LLP to individuals and businesses. It does not apply to services provided by other entities within the Withers Group and/or to services provided outside of scope of those set out below and/or to services provided outside of the United Kingdom.

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Withers LLP is required by the Solicitors Regulation Authority to provide costs information about the following services below that it provides in the United Kingdom. Please click on the relevant link for further information.

Please note that the information provided does not amount to and should not be treated as a definitive estimate of the overall costs of a particular case or transaction. We will need further information about the specific nature of each case or transaction before we can provide a bespoke estimate.

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Our website will give you a flavour of the advice we provide - if you would like to talk to us for more information, please contact our client services team who will be happy to assist.

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