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Our lawyers are always available for comments, insights and articleson legal issues affecting successful people and their businesses and philanthropic giving. We are well aware of the importance of providing fresh and perceptive content on time to meet your deadlines, and frequently contribute views and commentary to all formsof print, online and broadcast media.

Contact the press office team to arrange for the best-placed Withers spokespeople to help with your enquiry.

Meet the press office team

Roy Ang

Roy Ang

Executive director and head of business development and marketing (APAC) | Singapore

Roy Ang

Executive director and head of business development and marketing (APAC) | Singapore

Marketing, BD and communications

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Betsy Donovan

Betsy Donovan

Head of US marketing and business development | New York

Betsy Donovan

Head of US marketing and business development | New York

Marketing, BD and communications

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Duncan Miller

Duncan Miller

Global Head of PR and Corporate Communications | London

Duncan Miller

Global Head of PR and Corporate Communications | London

Marketing, BD and communications

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