Locations > Russia, Ukraine and the CIS

Russia, Ukraine and the CIS

We have worked with clients from Russia, Ukraine and the CIS region for over 25 years providing a range of legal services to clients with interests in the region. We are able to present our advice in Russian, thanks to a large number of native or fluent Russian speakers, and advisors qualified to practice in the laws of several CIS countries.

Our track record

Scandinavian telecom company joint venture

We successfully represented a joint venture partner of a major telecom company in connection with multi-jurisdictional FCPA investigation and proceedings by SEC, DOJ and other nations’ law enforcement agencies. The case concerned the award of a contract for a CIS country’s national cellphone infrastructure, secured through bribes paid to President’s daughter. Our client was not charged or required to contribute to hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements paid by Scandinavian partner.

A prominent Russian businessman

Successful representation of a prominent Russian businessman and officials in highly complex and interrelated committal, bankruptcy and Commercial Court proceedings.


Advising a leading Edtech provider in connection with its global SaaS agreements, Chinese trade mark protection program, and worldwide data protection compliance.

Multi-million dollar LCIA arbitration

We successfully represented a Cypriot company in a multi-million dollar LCIA arbitration involving allegations of fraudulent misrepresentation, unjust enrichment and an alleged breach of contract in the forestry sector in Russia. As well as securing a very favourable result for our client, we obtained an award of all legal and arbitration costs and a significant amount in security.

Enforcement of a Russian judgment in BVI

Acting for a Russian individual to enforce a Russian judgment in the BVI over shares in a company beneficially owned by a Russian judgment debtor. Also involved proceedings in the Seychelles, a Freezing Order and the appointment of a Receiver in the BVI who subsequently took control of Russian companies which owned substantial assets in Russia against which our client could enforce.

Global enforcement of a £450million English court judgment

Leading the global enforcement strategy on behalf of Mrs Akhmedova for the enforcement of a financial order of the English family court worth £450 million over various luxury assets and bank accounts located around the world, including Marshall Islands, Dubai, Isle of Man, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Russia and England.

Appointment of a BVI receiver over shares in BVI and Russian company

We successfully applied for the appointment of a BVI Receiver over the shares in and assets of a BVI company, including shares in a Russian company which owns valuable real estate in Moscow. Working with external Russian Counsel based in Moscow, the Receiver was able to protect the Russian real estate to ensure that a BVI Freezing Order would not be breached and a BVI Claim would not go unsatisfied.

Restoring a dissolved company into liquidation to investigate assets

Representing the creditor of a BVI company, we successfully applied for a dissolved BVI company to be restored back into liquidation to enable a liquidator to investigate the whereabouts of the BVI company's assets, believed to be located in Switzerland and Russia. This matter involved cross-border cooperation with practitioners based in Russia, Switzerland, the BVI and the Netherlands.

Acting on the challenge to an investment treaty arbitration award in the High Court

Acting on the challenge to an investment treaty arbitration award in the High Court relating to a dispute over an energy sector investment.

Representing the Respondent in an LCIA arbitration concerning the forestry sector in a CIS country.

Representing the Respondent in an LCIA arbitration concerning the forestry sector in a CIS country.

Our team

Tatiana Menshenina

Tatiana Menshenina

Partner | London

Tatiana Menshenina

Partner | London

Litigation and arbitration

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Diana Tarnavskaia

Diana Tarnavskaia

Associate | London

Diana Tarnavskaia

Associate | London

Litigation and arbitration

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Eva Farkas-DiNardo

Eva Farkas-DiNardo

Partner | New York

Eva Farkas-DiNardo

Partner | New York

Private client and tax

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Andrew Fremlin-Key

Andrew Fremlin-Key

Partner | London

Andrew Fremlin-Key

Partner | London

Litigation and arbitration

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Harvey Knight

Harvey Knight

Partner | London

Harvey Knight

Partner | London


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Eleni Polycarpou

Eleni Polycarpou

Partner | Head of UK art law | London

Eleni Polycarpou

Partner | Head of UK art law | London

Litigation and arbitration

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James Martell

James Martell

Partner | London

James Martell

Partner | London

Real estate

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Eliza Saunders

Eliza Saunders

Senior Associate | London

Eliza Saunders

Senior Associate | London

Litigation and arbitration

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Get in touch

Our website will give you a flavour of the advice we provide - if you would like to talk to us for more information, please contact our client services team who will be happy to assist.

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