Insight > Dealing with fraud: Practical advice
Dealing with fraud: Practical advice
Have you been targeted by a fraudster or suspect that you have been the victim of fraud? Or, on the other side, have you been served with a freezing order or been accused of fraudulent activity?
Our series of two minute videos explore the world of fraud litigation in quick and easy sound bites. We cover a range of topics, with practical advice to help you better understand your position, what you need to do next and how we can help immediately.
Freezing orders
Worldwide freezing orders are one of the most powerful weapons of the English Courts. But how do you get one and what will it do?
Watch our video to find out how to give yourself the best chance of recovering your money or assets from a fraudster.
Search and seize orders
Along with freezing orders, search orders are another powerful tool the English Courts use in the fight against alleged fraudsters.
Search and seize orders will allow you the opportunity to enter the premises of a target fraudster or his associates (and sometimes even innocent third party associates).
But how do you obtain a search order? Watch our video to find out more.
Being served with a freezing order
What should you do if you are served with a Freezing Order?
Being served with a Freezing Order will often come as a great shock, whether or not any wrongdoing has taken place. This can be an incredibly daunting prospect with very real implications.
Watch our video for Stephen’s ‘golden rules’ setting out how you should handle this situation.
Being served with a search order
What should you do if you are served with a Search Order?
Being served with a Search Order will most likely catch you off guard. Someone demanding entrance to your home or business without warning, by order of the Court, can be incredibly unsettling.
Stephen shares his insight to help you handle the situation.
Bank mandate fraud
We have seen many cases of bank mandate fraud and they all follow a similar pattern. Understanding this pattern and being aware of the warning signs is pivotal to avoid being duped by fraudsters.
We share the steps you can take to prevent such a fraud. Or, if you think you are already the victim of bank mandate fraud, there is immediate action you can take to stop it going any further.
Key contact

Stephen Ross
Partner | London
Get in touch
Our website will give you a flavour of the advice we provide - if you would like to talk to us for more information, please contact our client services team who will be happy to assist.