As part of the series of ’5-minute guides’ aimed at charity trustees, the Charity Commission has published a new Safeguarding guide. The guide sets out the five key actions charities should undertake to ensure that they do not cause harm to anyone who works for them, as well as actions the charities should take:
- Identify and manage risks: In terms of action, charities should identify if any particular areas of risk are relevant to them, for example, working with children and young people, working overseas and operating online.
- Have suitable policies and practices in place: Charities should check when their policies were last reviewed and review them as a priority if it has been over a year.
- Carry out necessary checks: Charities should check the Disclosure and Barring Service for information on what the relevant checks are for the work the charity carries out.
- Protect your staff and volunteers: Charities should make sure volunteers and staff know how they can raise any bullying and harassment concerns.
- Handle and report incidents appropriately: Charities can refer to this detailed guidance on handling safeguarding allegations within a charity, produced by the for civil society.
Trustees and charity staff should note that the new 5-minute guide is not intended to replace the Commission’s detailed safeguarding guidance, but acts as an overview of how to approach safeguarding within a charity.