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Withers tech advises NatureAlpha on latest investment

13 March 2023 | Applicable law: England and Wales | 1 minute read

The Withers tech team has advised biodiversity and nature analytics platform NatureAlpha on its latest funding round led by FNZ IP Ventures.

NatureAlpha is a provider of scaled asset-level biodiversity decision-support analytics for investors and capital markets. The company's insights and nature accounting platforms give asset managers, asset owners and sustainability professionals consistent, science-based data for compliance and analysis.

London partner Sarah Melaney, comments: "NatureAlpha's data-led AI platform enables investors to access biodiversity and nature risks, opportunities and impact. This is essential in supporting a sustainable future for the natural environment where transparency and a standardization of reporting and review are going to be so important in driving forward the change that is so desperately needed to save the planet . It has been a pleasure working with the team and, having been appointed to act as NatureAlpha's lawyers for all their commercial needs now, we look forward to assisting them in achieve their goals."

Withers tech is the technology, life sciences and venture capital focused team at international law firm Withers. The Withers tech team was led by Sarah working alongside associates Charlotte Berendt and Lily-May Austen.

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