Natalie Sherborn

Partner | London

Client services contact Danielle Bye


Track record

Instructions received to advise the

Instructions received to advise the directors and the audit chair of a financial services firm in the context of employee fraud within an overseas subsidiary, restatement of company accounts and repeated failure to comply with the Companies Act. Advised on engagement with auditors, regulators and in respect of a complaint to the ICAEW. Successfully represented a number of directors facing prosecution for offences under the Companies Act.

Representing an ex-Member of Parliament

Representing an ex-Member of Parliament facing a large number of allegations of bullying.

Conducted an internal investigation into

Conducted an internal investigation into bribery concerns arising in respect of a contract for services with the Libyan government.

Advising a business in respect

Advising a business in respect of significant suspected incorrect revenue recognition practices and internal investigation into senior management.

Internal investigation into fraud, tax

Internal investigation into fraud, tax avoidance and suspected bribery by a corporate client's Latin American subsidiary.

Advised an UHNWI in respect

Advised an UHNWI in respect of potential criminal implications arising in relation to several private art related transactions.

Representing an FCA regulated director

Representing an FCA regulated director of an AIM listed entity on an investigation into regulatory breaches.

Advising on suspected incorrect revenue

Advising on suspected incorrect revenue recognition practices and senior management level fraud within a listed company. Advising on approval of the company accounts and dealings with its auditors, regulators and law enforcement agencies.


  • Instrumental in developing and extending a crisis management offering in respect of internal and external Investigations and is known as a "thought leader" in this area. Regularly called upon to advise and train clients on incident response and a "seasoned speaker" on compliance, internal investigations and reputation management. Frequently invited to present domestically and internationally and a guest lecturer at the University of Brazil on UK Anti-bribery and corruption.