Sophie is a senior associate in the private client and tax team.
She advises individuals, families and trustees based in the UK and abroad on UK tax, estate planning, succession and asset-holding structures. She has experience in UK pre-arrival planning for non-domiciliaries, advising on remittance issues and the implementation of tax-efficient structures for holding UK real estate.Sophie holds the STEP Advanced Certificate in UK Tax for International Clients.

Me in a minute
I enjoy the fact that I work in a technical area of law but one which also requires emotional intelligence and empathy
I came to the law quite late, after spending several years working in museums in the UK and abroad. The skills I learned doing curatorial work are well suited to law - the ability to analyse and understand complex issues and to present information clearly and precisely matters to curators as well as lawyers.
I look after wealthy individuals, their families and trustees and advise on a wide range of tax and succession issues. Most of my work is international in its outlook and some clients have little or no connection with the UK. I enjoy the fact that I work in a technical area of law but one which also requires emotional intelligence and empathy. I like getting to know clients and understanding their family dynamics as I think it is important to understand the factors which affect their decision-making. It is always satisfying to be able to provide clients with practical solutions for estate planning.