Kit Ng
Associate | Singapore
Secretary Iris Chiang
Operating as Withers KhattarWong LLP in Singapore.
Kit is an associate in the litigation and arbitration team.
She engages in a wide-range of civil and complex commercial disputes. Her broad practice areas include technology, family, banking and finance, estates, trusts, shareholder and contractual disputes.

Me in a minute
I also enjoy the disputes practice as disputes is not only about engaging in courtroom showdowns, or sabre-rattling before an arbitrator, it is also formulating strategic and creative solutions to mitigate potential and existing disputes.
Although I engage in general disputes, the most common cases I work on are corporate and commercial disputes. I enjoy the broadness of my practice areas as it means that I will never get bored, and work will never get repetitive. I also enjoy the disputes practice as disputes is not only about engaging in courtroom showdowns, or sabre-rattling before an arbitrator, it is also formulating strategic and creative solutions to mitigate potential and existing disputes.
While my love for travelling is likely unrelated, my interest lies in disputes with international elements, in particular cross-border insolvency, the Belt-and-Road Initiative, trade law and public international law as I strongly believe in their necessity given how interconnected our world is today, and how these areas of law strives to unite the world through a common goal.