Track record
£17m gifting application in the Court of Protection
In FL v MJL, Richard, Deborah Nicholls-Carr, Julia Abrey and Stephen Richards acted for the Deputy in an application to the Court of Protection to make gifts totalling £17 million to family members and charities from the funds of an incapacitated person. This was a significant and novel case which clarified the law on the authorisation of gifts for tax planning. Click here to read the judgment.
UHNW Lasting Power of Attorney and welfare dispute
Withers acted for the well-known businessman Gopichand Parmanand ('GP') Hinduja and his siblings in Court of Protection proceedings concerning the health, welfare, property and affairs of his brother, Srichand Parmanand Hinduja. It is believed to have been amongst the longest-running and most complex Court of Protection disputes, spanning over twenty hearings on a wide range of issues. In August 2022, Mr Justice Hayden delivered two judgments (here and here) lifting all reporting restrictions, but at the Court of Appeal GP argued successfully that some restrictions should remain in place to preserve his brother's privacy. The Withers team was led by Stephen Richards and included Natasha Stourton, Richard Walker, Alexandra Dix and Rosalind Russell. Read the Court of Appeal's judgment here.
Removal of executor
Assisted drafting Paul Hewitt's successful written submissions for the first defendant in In re Goodman decd, where Master Bragge agreed that an executor may be removed prior to his or her obtaining a grant of probate (subsequently affirmed on appeal to Newey J. and reported at [2013] 3 WLR 1551).
Restructure of NHS Charities
Assisted Alison Paines and Roger Waite with the restructuring of a number of NHS Charities.