Stella Riberti

Senior associate | Milan

Secretary Marta Valente



External publications

  • Scarpe sotto osservazione: i nuovi limiti sanciti da World Athletics (RunnersWorld review, October 2023)
  • Il caso Juventus v. Blockeras: un'inibitoria leader nel panorama europeo (Olympialex Review, issue III, October 2022)
  • Sports agents regulations and tax implications for foreign agents (Sports Law and Taxation, December 2022)
  • What are the requirements for owning and running a professional football club in Italy? (LawInSport, June 2022)
  • How Football Clubs “Transfer” Coaching Staff - Insights from Spain, France, Italy, UK & USA (LawInSport, March 2022)
  • 'How Italy is tackling ambush marketing ahead of UEFA Euro 2021 & 2026 Winter Olympics' (LawnSport, 30 April 2020)
  • 'Some takeaways from the AC Milan v. UEFA case' (Olympialex Review, issue I, January 2019)
  • What are the obligations on footballers to conduct media activities? Comparing the rules in UK, USA, Spain, Belgium & Italy (LawInSport - September 2018)
  • Comparing how image rights laws apply to sport in the US, the UK and Europe (LawInSport, 22 December 2015)